I'm Vier and I like webdev as a hobby! My interest began during the mid-2010s Tumblr era,
so my codes tend to resemble the sort of aesthetic you'd expect from that time.
I live and breathe flexboxes. Making pages responsive is my number one goal, considering I'm
eternally stuck on 1920x1080 laptops. I'm also that guy who picked up jQuery and got addicted
a little too late.
Unfortunately chronically online with heavy fandom activity. Sometimes I datamine games with
the goal of collecting and archiving assets! I also draw and write on occasion, but the
publication rate for both is really low.
Some pages I've designed! These codes are available on request.
Responsive pages
I'll make a fancier preview for them one day.
A list of my favourite characters in no particular order. These are not kintypes.
Not a complete list, and will always be a WIP.